Category: Quality
The Truth About Modern Content
The mantra “Content is King” has been bandied around for years now: it was certainly huge when I started this blog in 2007. As a “content person” I’ve always wanted this to be true, and acted as if it was…
Key facts about keywords
There is still much uncertainty about keywords and it’s not surprising: because keyword “science” is not — and probably never will be — settled at all. The temptation is to “stuff” content with as many relevant words as possible in …
News from The Front
I’m still amazed at the number of people who ask for a “splash page” on their site: preferably something with lots of animated gifs “because they look nice”. It’s become almost a mantra with me that home pages must provide …
The Case for Web Content Planning – Part 1
If you’re new to the wide world of the web, or even considering the relaunch of an existing site, then you should really be giving some thought to a strategy for content. A lot of sites around today happened without …
Five ways to damage your SEO with content
1. Write Rubbish If your content makes no sense, if it’s dull and irrelevant, if not even your mother would make it all the way through, then you can be sure it will be bad for SEO. Make content interesting, …
Why Content is on the Rise
This may not yet be the Golden Age of Content, but it IS coming. Getting those all important search engine places has, until now, been a matter of juggling organic search elements. These include keyword factors like good meta tags, …